Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Ten and Two

Before it gets too far past these events, I want to post some pictures. On April 22 Brett and I celebrated our 10th anniversary. The very next day was Madi's 2nd birthday! Auntie B came all the way from Maryland to be here for the birthday celebration, and I took the opportunity to sneak Brett away for a surprise trip to the coast! We had such a great time, and the kids loved having Auntie B with them. I'm pretty sure they didn't even miss us! Here are a few pictures of all the fun.
The cake. Made by Auntie B, devoured by all!Presents!
Yaquina Head lighthouse, we walked up all 111 steps to the top!

Monday, April 05, 2010

To Die For

For my birthday, Brett made me such a fancy cake I just had to share it with you! See how he spelled my name in chocolate? Now that's love!
Oh, and here's a picture of the kids saying "Happy Easter" in their new Sunday clothes.Before you ask: yes, this is the best we could get. These kids absolutely hate getting their picture taken unless they are acting silly. Maybe we should have weekly photo shoots, just for the practice!

Friday, April 02, 2010

A Birthday Story

It all happened many years ago. You see, I love my birthday. I have always loved my birthday, and I have always been too impatient to wait for opening presents. The year I turned 8, I begged and begged to open a present a day early. My mom was pretty firm that I had to wait, but my 2 sisters took it upon themselves to bring me a beautifully wrapped present. I took the present in my hands, and just couldn't resist. It was so heavy and wonderful, I just had to open it! I could not believe my luck! I hurried and ripped the paper off, opened the box and there it was - a big, heavy, dirty brick that they had found outside. It was even a little wet still because of the April shower (much like today). I was furious. Why, oh why did my birthday have to be the day after April Fool's Day?! And why were my sisters so mean?The next day I had a great 8th birthday, here I am showing off my new wallet and the money that was inside. And do you see that lovely microscope my sister Alison is holding? That's right, all mine!
I'll never forget that birthday, and if I did my sisters would take it upon themselves to remind me. I was humbled just a little that day, but I still love my birthday (even though I stopped getting older) and occasionally still peek just a little.

Happy Birthday to me!!