Saturday, September 09, 2006

Booger Nose & the Bear

Do you ever just have one of those days? Between the teething (both of them), runny noses (mostly the little one, but the big one occasionally) and sleepless nights (again, both of them) every day seems to be "one of those" lately. Don't get me wrong, they're not all bad, but I have to say something's gotta give soon or I might just ship my 2 beautiful offspring to spend some quality time with Grandma and Grandpa! No, they really are cute and sweet and all that -- I'm just tired! Anyway, here are some great pictures I've been collecting for a rainy day (like today). Enjoy!how sweet!

mommy's lipstick can be so much fun!a new hiding place
my little boyall grown up!
working on those teeth
just cute
the most beautiful sight in the whole world!


Emily said...

You have such cute kids! The one where Kody is wearing your lipstick makes him look like he's sporting a 'stache and out ladies, Kody Bear is on the loose!

acte gratuit said...

What cute kiddies! Sammy is sitting on my lap talking to them and cooing and laughing.
No he's picked up a box and is playing peek-a-boo with Kody in the swing. Wanna come visit again???

mama bear said...

no, it's your turn to come here! Kody asks about your boys all the time.

Adriane said...

Pfft, that's not Kody. Kody is much, much smaller than that.