Saturday, December 30, 2006

Merry Christmas!

What a great Christmas we had this year! My awesome sisters sacrificed their presents from my parents so that they could buy plane tickets for us to fly home from Michigan, and we made the most of it! We packed in as many activities as we could, working around illness and a few little side trips (Brett went to the Vegas bowl with his parents and my brother-in-law Kenny, while I went with my parents and the kids to visit my Grandma in Boise for her 88th birthday - doesn't she look fabulous?!?) We were also able to hook up with some of our friends from San Francisco! Christmas Eve was a blast with the annual "Christmas Pageant", exchanging gifts with the cousins and our new (I hope) tradition of a white elephant gift story/exchange! Kody was a wise man, giving the gift of frankinsence - or was it myrrh? and Brett played the duel role of donkey/camel flawlessly! I was the official co-photographer with my sister Ali, and Mollie had the role of poor sick kid. It was awesome! All other parts were filled by various family members too numerous to mention! We were laughing so hard from the reinactment it was hard to concentrate during the white elephant exchange - did Jul just say left or right? Later that evening, my little family was able to open one gift, new jammies that I actually sewed with my own two hands (and lots of help from my awesome neighbor)! And did I mention they match?!? I know, I'm amazing. Really, it was such a good visit and we took turns being sick so the rest of us could have a good time! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday, spent with those you love. Merry Christmas!


Anonymous said...

Oh my, what a fun Christmas! You amaze me more and more everyday - making matching pajamas!! When I first just saw the picture I thought, how cute, I wonder where they sell adult and toddler sizes to match. My goodness you are amazing!

What a great game in Vegas for Brett! We had someone tape it for us and we stayed up late and watched it before we heard the score from anyone. It didn't make our fellow Oregonians very happy though.

I'll have to remember that Jeff should play the camel/donkey when we do our family nativities. How perfect!

We miss you tons!

Anonymous said...

I too, am very impressed with the jammies. Awesome.

I just bought the boys p.j.'s at Costco like every year.

If I ever get my sewing table cleaned off, maybe I'll sew in the future...?

Looks like you had some fun inbetween the sickness! (Sorry to hear that, by-the-way) Glad you're back to blogging!

Anonymous said...

Grizzly Grams says What a marvelous Christmas we had! Glad to be part of your blog!