Thursday, January 03, 2008

Let's Start at the Beginning...

Okay, we have so many pictures and things to tell you from the past few weeks, I think I'll just do a little at a time instead of a total overload. First, here are some pictures from our pre-Christmas adventure to Frankenmuth, MI and the world's largest Christmas store.The owners of the store created a replica of the original Silent Night Chapel in Austria, and they had the words to the song in every language - it was pretty cool!
Santa's workshop was very busy getting ready for Christmas...but the big guy made time to visit with the kids. Kody was a little apprehensive...
but Mollie wouldn't even go near him - he was so nice I didn't want to shove her on his lap just for the funny screaming picture!
She accepted Santa's gift though, it's a little snowman ornament (Kody got one too)Here's Santa showing how he gets down the chimney!
Frosty, you look so young!
This is what no more naps looks like - he'd been out running errands with daddy!

2 comments: said...

That picture of Kody napping is hysterical. He looks exhausted!

Anonymous said...

What a fun Christmas! I miss you guys. Have a Happy New Year!