Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Those Eyes...

I've been trying to upload a funny video of Mollie making cross-eyes for 2 days now, and it's just not working. So I'm sorry you don't get to see it. It's funny. I have a 2-year-old screaming and kicking me to get some attention so for now all you get is this:
... that's right, Mollie got pink eye. She's better now, but I just had to share these, they were too pathetic to keep to myself.


sugaryfrogs.blogspot.com said...

She is ADORABLE, even with pink-eye!

Alison said...

I think you should post the old 'pink eye in the morning when the eyes are stuck together oozing goo pic' :)

Heather said...

Pretty sure Spencer woke up with it this morning! We're not even able to play and our kiddos are still getting the same germs :).

Angie said...

OH, so sad. Poor little kiddo. I haven't blogged for about a year and I'm shocked to see how big the kids are!