I know, dear blog, that you are feeling so very neglected. I know that I should be more on the ball and posting as soon as wonderful things happen. I just can't. I don't know what my problem is, but the first step is recognizing it right? I'm working on that one. For now, you get a fast update in pictures. Here's what has happened in our world since Halloween:
Mollie turned 5
Mollie turned 5
Way cute pink coat, and way cute hair in the last picture! Are you in Oregon? I can't remember. Chris is applying to several jobs in Oregon. It would be fun to be by friends! Merry Christmas!
I thought of so many things to comment on...first, I noticed your new couches and tons of holiday banners, so cute! Madi is so stinkin' big now I would not have recognized her in person. I must agree that your hair is super cute, I have the worst cut right now, I hate finding a hair stylist! Miss you guys!
You already HAVE two comments.
You're so popular!
And having 'visitors' in Oregon just proves my point!
Oh, but this isn't about me :)
Thanks for the update!
I just left a comment, but it didn't post.....so I think I basically said that we are so glad that we were included in your activities since Halloween. We had so much fun with you guys and all the drunk Santas doing whatever they were doing.....
Yay for an update! So glad you could squeeze us in and have us over recently. You are busy! Lets do a game night soon!
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