Monday, June 06, 2011

My Mom the College Grad!

We went to Utah last month to attend my Mom's graduation from Utah State University. Isn't she amazing?! And isn't she so cute in her cap and gown? We are just so proud of her, and all of the hard work that she has put in these past 4 years to reach this goal that she made for herself. She received a bachelor's degree in Horticulture, with a focus on Horticulture Therapy. For her senior project she set up (and will continue to maintain) a therapy garden at the local nursing home for the dementia patients. As you can see from a few of these pictures, she has created a jungle in her own house. What you might not know is most of these plants were rescued from the trash heap. She nursed them back to health, sometimes grafting them together. Now all I want to know is why didn't I inherit her green thumb?!


stacey said...

That is awesome! I didn't even know such a field existed as horticulture therapy. Go Kim's Mom!! That picture of her is really great in the cap & gown, love it.

Alison said...

What a smart mama you have!
Congrats, Mrs. Despain! :) said...

Wow, that's amazing!!! I want to be like her when I grow up!!!! :) I never did graduate from college. I guess it's never too late!

acte gratuit said...

Your mom ROCKS! What a cutie pie! I'm so proud of her and very inspired. Gives me hope I can get a BA one day!
Tell her I said congratulations!
Also, I love the new pictures on your side bar. What cutie kids you have!!!!
We miss you and Sam is still talking about Brother Bear!