Saturday, August 05, 2006


I was just typing an email to my mom, and I realized that I have some bragging to do here. Kody is becoming quite the little boy lately, I can't believe how fast he is growing up! He is having such an easy transition in our new home, and he already has some favorite things that he likes to do. For example, he loves going to the "wah-way" to get new movies (that's library for all of you who don't speak Kodese) and he likes to play with his little sister "Mah-nee" (some of you might remember he used to call her mama) and there is a "wide" by our house that he likes to slide down all by himself! He is sleeping in his big boy bed all night long, and he only gets his "mimi" (binky) for naps and bedtime. He still loves taking baths ("blah") once he's in the tub, but sometimes it's a fight to get him in. His favorite movies are "Byo" (Toy Story), "Gah" (the Wiggles), and "Deedo" which is both Dora the Explorer and Go Diego Go. He also loves watching "dobah" (the Doodlebops) and "Mou" (Mickey Mouse Clubhouse) on the Disney channel.

Princess Mollie is growing rigth before our eyes. Can you believe she's 8 months old?!? She loves to eat anything and everything and is crawling/dragging herself all over the place. She pulls herself up on everything whether it's sturdy or not. I feel like she won't be as cautious as Kody -- oh well, she is sure entertaining to watch! She loves her big brother and always wants to play with him. He's pretty good to throw her a little attention every now and then. She has a new little boyfriend who is a few weeks younger and a whole lot bigger! She is definitely a girl -- very moody. She lets you know when she's not happy, and that girl can yell! I can't even call it crying anymore, she just yells at the top of her lungs. Sometimes I just laugh and other times I want to scream with her. She's mostly happy, though, and we love her so much!

1 comment:

acte gratuit said...

Little cuties!!!!!!! They're not allowed to get big without me there, though!!! Make it stop!!!