Thursday, March 01, 2007

Calgon where have you gone?

...and why can't I come with you? Some of you may recall the commercials from long ago where a woman (did you ever notice it was never a man?) was having a particularly rough day and she just said, to no one in particular, "Calgon, take me away!" Suddenly, she is relaxing in a bathtub in some tropical setting and all her stress is washed away. Today was one of "those" days for me and I sat on the couch and yelled "Calgon, take me away" and then I waited. And waited. I had the thought that maybe I should actually purchased some Calgon bubble bath, but I knew that even if I filled my tub with as much product as possible, I would never be "taken away". First I would have to send the kids away, because they would never let me be alone in the bathroom - or anywhere out of their sights - for any amount of time. But don't worry too much about me. Life is better now, the kids are sleeping and I have a few minutes of peaceful quiet. I may not be able to escape to some fabulous tropical island, but tomorrow is a new day and it has potential to be so much better than today. Who knows, maybe we'll even venture out of the house and go on an adventure! I think I'll be okay, even if I don't have some fabulous bubble bath!


Anonymous said...

Wherever Calgon takes you to, can I join you?

Trisha said...
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Trisha said...

you know you can always drop your kids off at my house and run. Even if it's to a tropical bubble bath! They like it here.

acte gratuit said...

Yep. Calgon never comes through for me either, darnit! I'm glad things are looking up!