Friday, September 01, 2006

Fun Trivia

This is for my sisters, Jul & Ali (and for anyone else who was addicted to the original Kids Inc.)....

I just found out that Fergie, the girl lead singer for the Black-Eyed Peas, is none other than Stacie from Kids Incorporated -- can you believe it? I miss that show, why don't they play reruns or release the DVD? Anyway, I was excited to learn this fun fact and thought you would be too! I liked the Black-Eyed Peas already, and now I like them even more! I hate to admit it, but "My Humps" is one of my guilty pleasures!

1 comment:

Emily said...

OH MY GOSH!!! You obviously didn't grow up in the 80's MRS. RI because Kids Inc. ROCKED!!!! I watched them faithfully...*sniff, snifff* until they were sadly cancelled...and after I grew up a little I forgot about them...but they will live forever in my heart.