Saturday, September 30, 2006

What a Pleasant Surprise!

I have been meaning to write about this for some time, but I wanted to put a picture with it. So here is my story, and I'm not making it up! One hectic day a couple weeks ago, we came home after running a bunch of errands, and there was this big package at our doorstep. At first I thought it was just another one of Brett's tools or something for school, but on closer examination it had my name on it! Well, you can imagine my surprise when there was a package for me! Then I remembered that I was expecting a package from Usborne Books, as I had signed up to be a consultant, but it didn't say it was from Usborne and in fact had come from I was now so curious, I threw the kids in the house and grabbed the box. Kody helped me tear off the paper around it and cut the tape, and I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw what was inside! It was a brand new KitchenAid mixer (some of you may know that mine was broken on our move). I asked Brett about this and he said, just read the invoice. So I did, and it said that this mixer was to make my life a little easier since I was such a great wife, mother and cook (total lie). Seriously, I started crying right then! As you all know, Brett isn't one to just buy something on a whim so you can understand my excitement when he did something so sweet for me! He said he got a killer deal on it, and I'm so glad he did! Don't I have the sweetest husband in the whole world? Now, we still had the old one as we hadn't fully decided what to do with it - we could get it repaired, throw it away or just let it sit on our counter and look good - so I posted it on Craigslist for $60 just for fun to see if I could sell it. Within a week I had sold it to some guy who wanted to play around with it for $40! And that's the truth!


Emily said...

That is one of the sweetest things I've ever heard of...and coming from Brett, who's a little like Nate, that's tear worthy! What a sweet deal.

So, we seriously need to talk because we won't be getting together for Thanksgiving and we live the closest to each other and yeah, we just gotta suck it up.

acte gratuit said...

Dear Mama Bear,
We're trying to make pizza dough.

It sucks, and therefore you suck. Why? Because you have a new kitchen aid and you're capable of making pizza dough. And we just can't figure it out. Alright, we suck not you.
I'm going to go cry now.

Jen said...

Okay, you need to have your hubby talk to my hubby. What a sweetie! Of course, neither one of us can function without a Kitchenaid. We just got back from my mother-in-laws house and she hands us a hand mixer and we just look at it with no idea what to do with it. I didn't know it was possible to cook without a Kitchenaid.