Saturday, June 07, 2008

The Long and Short of it

It's about that time again. My hair has gotten pretty long, and it is going to start falling out in clumps any day now. I've enjoyed having it long (let's face it, there's nothing simpler than a ponytail), but I really hate dealing with all that hair once it starts falling out. So my question is, what should I do with it? I found a few styles I like on the internet, narrowed them down to these two, and now I'm open to any suggestions or polite criticsm. So, what do you think?Should I chop it all off and go short again?
Or keep it long and just get my layers re-defined and maybe add bangs?


Jen said...

I loved your hair right when you moved from SF, which looked alot like picture 1 - that is if my memory serves me right!

Leslie said...

I love both of those!!very cute. I have to say though I got bangs and I can't stand them.. they drive me crazy!! good luck!!

amydear said...

Both are very cute. I do like your hair long, so I'd go for #2 for now, with #1 as the "when I get sick of long hair". Just got mine cut again. Somehow "I'm trying to grow it out" translated to "cut off three inches." Yikes!

Megs said...

GO with picture number one. I bet it would look so cute!! Can't wait to see what you decide.

Clair said...

go short! I went pretty short and might even go shorter now. I had been pulling my hair back into a clip every single day and it was quite long- I think my style is better but I do miss the feeling of having it all pulled back in this humidity. That's why I may go shorter. So you may want to consider that you will really miss your ponytail. However, for me, getting it cut is sort of a way to MAKE me fix it and not be so lazy. good luck

Jase and Britta said...

I like the longer hair with bangs, just my opinion, though. can't wait to see what you do with it..hey, i don't see my name under who you love! does this mean you don't love me?? - remember?

Heather said...

Funny you should co-worker walked into the office yesterday with the Katie Holmes cut and it looks adorable! Either way you go I'm sure it will be fabulous.

Angie said...

Britta has a good point, why aren't we on your blog list too? I love both of the cuts. It totally depends on what you are looking for. I can't stand having long hair with this humidity, especially since you are breastfeeding. It might get in the way. I have bangs and I have been trying to grow them out because I don't keep trimming them. Short hair is great for the summer time, but winter will be here before you know it and you will want long hair again to cover your neck. If I were you, I would probably try #2 and see if I liked it and if not, go for #1

Unknown said...

I whacked mine. No one told me about losing my hair until your post one day after Carson was born. I thought it wouldn't be too bad, but when I found a big ugly hair ball in Carson's toes the other day I decided it was time. 4 1/2 inches! I want to say I liked it better when it was short, but it was so damaged on the ends it needed something. I just need to texturize it now and it will be better. I think you've done similar #1's before, maybe try #2 and if you don't like it, go with #1. Bangs would look "dang cute" on you too! :)

Unknown said...

Woops, I meant when it was long... my brain quit working with me at 5!