Well we are at least in the hospital and have been since 2 am (it is now 11:15). So here is the good news bad news stuff.
Good news - we are in the hospital.
Bad news - we are still in the hospital.
Good news - The epidural finally seems to be working (after 2 babies with unsuccessful epidurals). Bad news - it was really hard and painful to get the epidural placed.
Good news - the epidural seems to be working.
Bad news - the contractions stopped after the epidural was placed.
Good news - they carry pitocin at the hospital.
Bad news - after the pitocin started to bring on the contractions the epidural didn't seem to be working.
Good news - they upped the epidural and the pain went away.
Bad news - Mama Bear got sick.
Good news - they had some medicine to take care of the nausea.
Bad news - the antiemetic knocked her out.
Good news - she can sleep now.
Bad news - she has to wake up to deliver.
Good news - the epidural still seems to be working and she can start pushing as soon as she wakes up.
Good news - the baby is doing great
Good news - the baby won't be born on our anniversary, so Mama Bear doesn't have to share her special day and neither does baby.
Good news - I think I can get out of my craniofacial anomaly final for a little while longer
Good news - they have cable here
Bad news - daytime television stinks
Good news - they have internet here
Bad news - daytime television stinks and they have internet here so I blabber on on Mama Bears blog as she sleeps.