Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!

It's my birthday and I'm wide awake wishing I could get back to sleep. I woke up about an hour ago (the current time is 5:53am) when Kody got up to use the bathroom. Of course, I had to follow suit and since then have been unable to get back to sleep. It's funny, they tell you to get as much sleep as you can before the baby comes because you know there will be none for the next several months. Doesn't anyone (doctors and experts, I mean) realize how hard it is to sleep when you're in my condition?! I can't even remember the last time I had a good night's sleep, or even slept in the same bed as my hubby for that matter. Kody has taken over my spot and I'm in the other room most nights.

It's now much later (10:00am) and I did go back to sleep for about a half hour before Kody came in to say happy birthday and snuggle with me. Here's the conversation we had:

K: Mom, what party do you want?
(we've been discussing what theme he wants for his party next month)
Me: Oh, I don't know. I don't really need a party.
a few minutes of snuggling go by, and then:
K: *gasp* You need a cake!
Me: Yes, I guess I do but I don't really feel like making one today.
K: I love you, Mom.

Do I have the sweetest boy in the world or what?!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Mama Bear! You are one hot pregnant Mama!

Liz said...

Happy Birthday!
Ok so sleep before and after a baby is totally over rated. I get excited if I get three hours of sleep at one time. So, it really doesn't matter if the baby is inside or out, you just don't sleep!

Angie said...

Aw, Happy birthday!!! I love birthdays so much! I'm sorry you're not getting very much sleep. Is your doctor a guy? If so, then that's probably why he doesn't understand why you can't sleep. :) I hope it's a great day. Angie

Polliwog said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :) Who knew you were almost an April Fool's girl? I saw your little floating baby icon that says 28 days left and I must admit, I'm a tad jealous.

Love you!

amydear said...

I hope you got a cake! Papa Bear should have brought you one for sure. Although I'd take ice cream over cake any day. Happy Birthday!

The Bergmans said...

Happy birthday one day late! I hope the rest of the day went well! Wish I could share some of my sleep with you, or at least save it in a bottle for some future day down the road when I really want it. BTW I think Kody is one champ of a kid.

Mike and Tanya said...

Happy birthday! By the way I love that picture if Kody and Molly hugging, that's such a cute shot! I hope you had a good birthday! said...

Happy Birthday!!! I hope you get cake and a nap today!

Heather said...

Thanks for letting me rub your beautiful belly at your party tonight! I got my prego fix so I should be good until the next time I see you. Maybe Joel can give you the best birthday present of all - an epidural that works!

Happy 25th! I mean 30th!

mama bear said...

Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes, I feel like a princess!!

Lanes said...

You are a princess! I am not even lying that I totally thought of you on your birthday, but obviously that's as far as it got. I hope Papa made you a killer cake with lots of chocolate. Love you!