Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Happy Anniversary Papa Bear! Thank you for eight wonderful years, I wouldn't have wanted to spend them with anyone else! We've changed and grown in so many ways (I'm afraid I've grown a little more than you) and been through so many ups and downs together. I feel like you lift me up and have helped me to become a better person. I sometimes wonder where I would be if I hadn't taken that summer job in Alaska, and the one thing I know is that someone was helping me out because He knew how good you would be for me.So, in honor of our anniversary I am going to fulfill my obligation to a request from a friend. Amber tagged me way back in December and I just never got around to doing it, but this is a perfect time to ask forgiveness and give you a little info about me and my true love!

1. How long have you been married? 8 years today!
2.How long did you date? We knew each other for about a year, but actually dated 8 months.
3. How old is he? Old enough to be legal!
4. Who eats more? I'd like to say he does, but right now it's me.
5.Who said "I love you" first? He did, Christmas Eve 1999
6. Who is taller? Do you even have to ask?!
7.Who sings better? We both sing like angels!
8. Who is smarter? Book smarts, him for sure! But I happen to be way smarter in the "useless random information" category.
9. Who's temper is worse? Now I'd say we tie on that one, but I'd like to think I control mine a little better. (he might tell you different)
10. Who does the laundry? Me
11. Who does the dishes? Me again. Okay, he helps quite a bit.
12. Who sleeps on the right side of th bed? He does.
13.Who pays the bills? Depends on the bill.
14. Who mows the lawn? Lawn? What lawn? I'm sure that by the time we actually have a lawn it will be Kody!
15. Who cooks dinner? I do most of the time, but he's so much better at it!
16. Who drives when you are together? He does, I'm too directionally challenged.
17. Who is more stubborn? Again, I 'd say we're pretty even on that one.
18.Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Since I'm never wrong, I guess that would be him!
19. Who's parents do you see the most? Neither, and that's so sad. We miss them like crazy!
20.Who proposed? He did, and I was totally clueless - he took me to the lake, sang a song he wrote about us and at the end it said something about me being his wife. I looked at him and said, "are you asking me to marry you?" He was like, "duh" and handed me the ring!
21. Who has more friends? Me!
22.Who wears the pants in the family? We both wear pants; I hate dresses, and he would look pretty silly!


Leslie said...

CONGRATS!! guys!! cute picture.

acte gratuit said...

Picture "So I Married An Axe Murderer"...

HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY AN-I-VER-SA-RY! (Now repeat ad nauseum getting progressively faster!)

Congrats you two! Good job putting up with each other!

mama bear said...

I actually sang that to Brett just this morning!

Anonymous said...

Right back at ya babe! (cheesy wink and snap then point in your general direction)

I'm glad that you can still remember all those fun facts.

Thanks for putting up with me so long. You probably didn't realize you were marrying a perpetual student and that the first 10 years of marriage would be below the poverty level. But that just makes us grow closer right.

I love you for supporting me all these years and putting up with my frugality.

I don't know if I'll ever be able to pay you back. Good thing we have many more years for me to try.

Love You!!!!!!!!

an exclamation for each year

Anonymous said...

p.s. breakfast at Flim Flam will always be better to me now than breakfast at Tiffany's

Clair said...

Congratulations to you both! What a cute Anniversary post.

Okay- here's the deal with the babies-- they do not want to be born in April because it is too full already. Mommy's birthday and Mom and Dad's Anniversary and sometimes Easter. (It's the same with us.)

jonutz gang said...

Happy Anniversary. So I just found your blog after your email. Aren't you just the cutest couple. Good luck with the whole baby thing. Let me know if I can do anything at all.

Amber said...

Hey girl, thanks for doing the husband post it was fun to read. Congratulations on your new baby girl. I can't wait to see pictures. We miss you guys.

Allison said...

Happy Anniversary! (A little late...) Is it strange that I remember the night you guys got engaged? Dave told me that Brett was proposing, but held out until he was probably *actually* proposing, so there would be no possible way for me to ruin the surprise, even though we were in a different state at the time!

And we were at In-N-Out when he told me. Man, now I have a craving for a shake and double double, and that picture below isn't helping!

Congratulations on the baby! Can't wait to see pictures!