Thursday, April 17, 2008


The other night as I was laying in bed trying to sleep I got a sudden craving for a cheeseburger. Now, I don't mean just any cheeseburger -- I'm seriously craving a cheeseburger from In-N-Out, animal style of course. Heck, I might even make it a double double if I could! And fries and a chocolate/vanilla shake. Oh why don't I live in California anymore? Or Vegas for that matter! I don't have cravings very often, but when I do I kind of obsess about it until I am able to satisfy the beast. During my mission I craved a corn dog of all things, and I couldn't find one for over a year! I'm afraid it will be that long before I get to pay a visit to In-N-Out, but it will be worth the wait!


Leslie said...

Oh man kim that burger looks GOOD!! hang in there only a few more days! if I could I'd grab you and In-N-Out burger..

Angie said...

yeah, Ann Arbor just doesn't have good burger places around here except for Red Robin. I'm so glad that you put the counter back up! I thought you were trying to keep it suspensful for all of us!

Megs said...

I want you to know that I have wanted a burger ever since. That looks so good. Here's to hoping for a baby tonight. Thanks for dropping by today. It was fun to see you and your kids.

Anonymous said...

I hate cravings!! I eat everything in the house trying to satisfy the craving, but nothing works until I get EXACTLY what I am craving. So meanwhile I gain 20pounds. I wish I could get you an IN N Out burger and send it to you. Sorry!!

acte gratuit said...

Luckily I crave steak and french fries which are easy to accomodate. Oh, and Peanut Butter/Apples. And sometimes tuna fish or egg salad. (Gross.)

And I PRETEND to crave ice cream so I have an excuse to eat it every day.